onsdag 20 juli 2011

In the elevator

I got stuck in an elevator.
I can tell you that in those moments you get lots of thoughts in your mind. Especially if you are a bit claustrophobic like me. Thoughts about life, people and choices for example...
Life is full of choices and we are subject to selection every moment in a lifetime. No mystery in that.

I used to compare it with an elevator ride. Doors opens, doors closes but you are always in charge to choose what floor level you wish to go. Sometimes on your way up you meet people you might like or people you totally dislike. Other times you need a while until you know.

From time to time you might get tired of your ride and you might want to put your feet on the ground and your elevator is just going up and down. Sometimes you might prefer to wait not knowing where to go.

Sometimes is just a matter of time until you definitely know which button you should have pressed. Yeah,people can be wrong. I can be wrong. I can be good at bad choices. You can also choose very wrong. We all learn from mistakes,aren't we? Some faster than others.

Sometimes you just wander up and down,not having a clue which floor you should be. You may know what you wish for when the elevator stops and the doors are opening but the way to the right door can be totally unknown. Some people just take the ride and let other people to choose the buttons. Others prefer to restlessly search.

Anyhow, if you just stop for a moment and take a deep breath you may notice that is all about that ride...and the choices you make. Like in this very moment when I’m suppose to write some other things I chose to give my thoughts away.

Alright now, I cannot run away for other few months without some inspirational short movies. How could I? :)

I must admit I always was fascinated about timelapse technique, the mystery of time, the fascination of big cities but this is another story... and another time:)

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