torsdag 22 oktober 2009

Si eu cu cine am sa votez?

Da, se apropie alegerile prezidentiale dupa cum citesc pe pagina si in presa romaneasca. Timp de gandire pana pe 22 noiembrie 2009 cand se poate vota. Candidati? In ordine alfabetica:
  1. Antonescu Crin PNL
  2. Băsescu Traian Independent
  3. Bătăiosu Marian Independent
  4. Becali Gigi PNG-CD
  5. Cernea Remus PVE
  6. Coja Ion Independent
  7. Geoană Mircea Dan PSD+PC
  8. Iorga Doru Independent
  9. Kelemen Hunor UDMR
  10. Miron Cozma PM
  11. Oprescu Sorin Mircea Independent
  12. Piperea Gheorghe Independent
  13. Potircă Constantin Ninel Independent
  14. Tudor Corneliu Vadim PRM
Din toti 14 doar 3 candidati cred eu ca au sanse reale: Antonescu, Băsescu şi Geoană. Insa in politica, unde ma pricep foarte putin sau mai degraba deloc, nu stii niciodata.
Am gasit o gluma publicata pe si care mi se pare potrivita pentru subiectul acesta. Amuzant, trist si adevarat in acelasi timp. Am sa o redau aici:

¨La facerea lumii, Dumnezeu, pentru a-i ajuta pe oameni sa prospere, a hotarit sa dea printr-o “Lege Divina” fiecarei natii cite doua virtuti. Astfel, El i-a facut:

- pe elvetieni – ordonati si respectuosi fata de legi;

- pe nemti – disciplinati si rationali;

- pe englezi – perseverenti si studiosi;

- pe japonezi – muncitori si rabdatori;

- pe unguri – hotariti si buni meseriasi;

- pe francezi – culti si rafinati;

- pe spanioli – veseli si ospitalieri.


Cind a ajuns la romani, i-a spus ingerului – consilier care nota:

- Romanii vor fi inteligenti, cinstiti si buni politicieni.

Dupa ce a publicat-o in “Monitorul Celest”, ingerul a remarcat:

- Doamne, ai dat tuturor popoarelor cite doua virtuti, iar romanilor trei.

Oare in acest fel, nu cumva ei ii vor depasi si exploata pe toti ceilalti?

- Aoleu, asa e! Ai dreptate! Atunci sa revenim cu o “Ordonanta”:

“Pentru ca virtutile dumnezeiesti, odata acordate, nu se mai pot lua inapoi, precizez ca nimeni nu va putea avea si folosi mai mult de doua virtuti in acelasi timp!”.

Si astfel se explica de ce romanii… :

- care sunt inteligenti si cinstiti, in nici un caz nu fac politica;

- cei care sunt cinstiti si fac politica, in mod sigur nu sunt inteligenti;

- care fac politica si sunt inteligenti, categoric nu sunt cinstiti.''

Si deci eu cu cine votez?-:P

tisdag 13 oktober 2009

Indigo got talent?...NOT!!!

Ce gresala am putut sa fac aseara cand am deschis televizorul cu gandul ca am sa gasesc ceva amuzant inainte de somn. Si asa am decis sa ma opresc la America's got talent, o editie din 2008 care este difuzata pe unul din canalele tv suedeze.

Si ce mi-a stat inima in loc cand am avut socul sa vad gemenele de la Indigo in competitie. Un fel de : ''daca Romania nu ma vrea, atunci America sigur ma vrea''...(pentru ca are de cine sa rada).

Cam asa as rezuma toata acea atitudine de nedescris cu care s-au prezentat acolo. Nu mai vorbesc de faptul ca prestatia nu e la un nivel la care se pot numi, cantarete, actrite sau dansatoare. Si in general nu cunosc pe nimeni in Romania care sa le fi apreciat.

Dar ce nu face dorinta de faima?

Nu insist sa comentez mai mult, am sa va las sa vedeti video-ul care vorbeste de la sine:
aici ( pentru ca nu indraznesc sa postez video-ul pe blogul meu si pentru ca inca ma simt prost si am cosmaruri )

måndag 5 oktober 2009

Norway is best place to live, Niger worst- the UN development index for this year it's released

The annual United Nations human development index was released today . Here is an article taken from France-Press (AFP):

''Norway takes the number one spot in the annual United Nations human development index released Monday but China has made the biggest strides in improving the well-being of its citizens.

The index compiled by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) ranks 182 countries based on such criteria as life expectancy, literacy, school enrolment and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.

Norway, Australia and Iceland took the first three spots while Niger ranks at the very bottom, just below Afghanistan.

China moved up seven places on the list to rank as the 92nd most developed country due to improvements in education as well as income levels and life expectancy.

The top ten countries listed on the index are: Norway, Australia, Iceland, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Japan.''

I noticed Romania on a 63 place (still in the high level development countries though) and Denmark on 16th while The United States ranks 13th, down one spot from last year.

Somewhere at the buttom of the article I discover that ''This year's index was based on data from 2007 and does not take into account the impact of the global economic crisis.'' ....So I wonder what tops the UN index list after or during the global economical crisis?Easy guess?

What’s the funniest thing that happened to you today? This week? In your life?

Alright, so everyone is interested in knowing more about how to live longer and healthier. Maybe not everyone admits it but trust me, all of us wants to live forever and if not, then just as long as possible.
I watched recently an interesting health and life-style Australian Tv-show that investigates myths and fables concerning health and well being.
Think about Myth Busters from Discovery just with health questions. Well, and in this show a small fragment was dedicated to how really healthy can laughter be. So they did some tests on a small group of people, measuring their blood pressure, signals in brain, and so on, while watching a comedy and then a serious war movie. As a result of the tests they confirmed that while laughing, the body gets relaxed, the blood veins become bigger and blood pressure is reduced and brain gets out from a stress condition by producing some hormones such as endorphins and serotonin known as happiness and good feeling hormones. With a little research I’m sure you will find out many more benefits, I just pointed out few.
Well and back to this show, they went even further by presenting a laughter therapist and few moments from a laughter therapy session. Quite interesting with the thought in mind that all these are healthy but I don’t say I really laughed watching it.
Ok, I’m convinced, laughter should be prescribed on medical receipt, and it really helps!
But now, the questions in my mind…what makes us laugh?
We experience laughing by the age of 3-4 months. I read on BBC News webpage: "New research has given credence to the idea that laughter evolved in a common ancestor of the great apes and humans.’’
Our fellow great apes — orangutans, chimps, bonobos and gorillas — also squeal in response to tickling, and new research shows this behaviour may be the evolutionary root of human laughter. Ok, so we have it in our blood so to speak but, what makes us really laugh?

We humans, such sophisticated beings we really need something more than just tickling as we progress and more sophisticated triggers for laughter as we develop ourselves and grow up. The sense of humour depends on individual experiences and it begins to develop in early childhood.
Now it depends how you look upon life and how seriously you take it. I can imagine that someone with a social predisposition to criticism, a person with a deep sense of ridiculous or someone with a nihilistic way of thinking won’t succeed seeing much fun out there.

In an article from NY Times I read that ‘’ occasionally we’re surprised into laughing at something funny, but most laughter has little to do with humour. It’s an instinctual survival tool for social animals, not an intellectual response to wit. It’s not about getting the joke. It’s about getting along.’’ Alright, I know out there lots that laugh just for the laugh’s sake or just as a social tool when there is a lack in self-confidence but now I’m interested more into laughter as a health purpose.
I don’t remember since I last time laughed so hard that I had belly muscles pain but I go further with my little experiment and I try search for something funny.
Alright, here are my few findings on how to create opportunities to laugh:
A good funny book

A good comedy movie

A good comedy theatre play

A good comedian
A funny song…

Well nothing made me really laugh as I was looking to laugh. It’s a fact that the key to laying down humour patterns in the brain is the element of surprise. So I decided to stop looking for something funny and let the fun come out to surprise me.