Since Nobel Prize in literature was given recently away to Herta Müller, everyone seems to be on the hunt after her books. Herta Müller is a Romanian-born German author who moved to western Berlin in 1987 running away from the oppression of the dictatorial regime in Romania at that time, which censored her work. All her work seems to be rooted in the totalitarianism experience where I come from as well. Behind this experience that gave birth to a writing desire there is a universal author and the Nobel Prize was awarded to Herta Müller for "the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose". She was dismissed from her job after she refused to be an informant for the police and from then on she was harassed by the state until she managed to leave Romania for West Berlin. In 1987 I was a little kid, who maybe saw what’s going on under communism but who accepted as normal in the lack of a comparison term. Moreover, at that childhood age-when I wasn’t raising up yet existential questions like *who am I*- and, under a 'quiet' dictatorship (when they will tell us only what’s good for them not what’s against them), it was almost impossible for me to find out who is Herta Müller. I found out later about her, few years after ’89 when the revolution has dragged down the Iron Curtain and when I was tired already of everything that reminds me of those communism times. Those years, right after Romanian revolution, everyone was speaking about what was kept under silence for more than 25 years. At the revolution I was just a kid which became few years later a young student willing to learn and experience, willing to understand but not focusing only on the past. At that time, when the young student went home for school vacation I remember I saw Herta Müller in a documentary at TV. She was speaking about the Romanian revolution as she could return and visit again her home town. She was speaking about experiences before she left Romania but in a very nice language without abusing terms which already became too much, like: totalitarianism, communism, dictator, censored, revolution, heroes. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of that TV documentary I saw but I remember clearly that it kept me fascinated from start to end, watching an unknown to me Romanian-German writer speaking in Romanian about life from her point of view; and that captivated me. That memory, a similar experience, and now the fact that Herta Müller was brought to attention makes me want to read her work. The first place I turned to search for her work was Stockholm’s public library but surprise! - Stockholm reads Herta Müller; everything is borrowed out, not to speak only about her books in Romanian or German or any language other than Swedish (because it is normal to not be available so many exemplars) but also translations in Swedish ...They are all gone. So I will continue my searches within book stores next days and I hope I’ll be lucky to read Herta Müller soon.
This is the way I see we have it here in Sweden these days. In the winter season, when sunrise is around 7:40 and the sunset at around 15:26 there is not much daylight left. And if the weather looks like this:
...Then we have just grey dark light until it's completely dark outside.
The Light Drop is the work of Brazilian designer Rafael Morgan and it represents a product designed by him. The thought behind this product is supposed to point out attention to how we deal with our natural resources. The actual product has an incorporated LED (which sip less energy and last forever) implemented in the faucets and controlled by the tap. The picture is just brilliant I think, and serve so well my idea of light here in Swedish winter time. Rafael Morgan's work is simply clever; you can't just walk away and not love his ideas. It's one of my favorite designers and I will definitely come back to you and present some more of his work.
Jag hoppas ingen har missat att Kent släppte ett nytt album i fredags. En riktig höstskiva. Riktigt bra. Håller med om att det är örongodis!
Vid en första album granskning anser jag att det är svårt att välja en favorit. Men för den här veckan när jag ska uttrycka mig med allt annat än ord tror jag passar bra med sista låten :